Monday, July 21, 2008

It's Monday!

I don't really think I need to describe how badly I hate Monday's, for obvious reasons! Let me begin by saying how badly I hated getting up this morning! I didn't sleep well last night,I kept waking up in strange positions all night, at one point I was literally laying across the bed. I don't get it! So now I'm up,I walked out to the kitchen to find that I have ran out of coffee- *hell* not good! I am a women that absolutely needs her coffee in the morning! So I went through the cupboards to find that emergency instant coffee,for mornings like today, Theres no way in hell that Im gonna go travel to the local super market at the butt crack of dawn for a can of coffee,people that early to me all suck....I am not a morning person,in fact I despise mornings,especially Monday mornings! So now I have made my cup of instant coffee, mmm(I say that sarcastically) but its not the worst stuff in the world if thats all you have, so not really complaining to loudly. But moving on...
It's now around 1 o'clock in the afternoon and Im looking at the mountain of laundry that awaits my assistance! (oh fun) Sometimes I really resent the fact that I work from home,simply because of the fact that I still have housework to do and it never really seems to do its self,lol (I wish) So as I work I am constantly reminded of the other things that has to be done before my house starts to look like something from a bad movie! You know the one,where the house totally consumes the owners because it has now taken over,dishes start to haunt the wife and the yard is taunting the hubby!..Im not sure if the movie exists,but Im sure somewhere someone has thought about it! dirty house = evil house! lol or Night of the living dirty house! lol
So kiddies, Im gonna go start some laundry before it becomes possessed and starts talking to me,lol

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